冶金与能源工程学院 Faculty of Metallurgical and Energy Engineering |
专业 Programs |
本科 Undergraduate |
硕士 Master's Programs |
博士 Doctoral Programs |
新能源科学与工程 |
New Energy Science and Engineering |
✔ |
冶金工程 |
Metallurgical Engineering |
✔ |
✔ |
能源与动力工程 |
Energy and Power Engineering |
✔ |
储能科学与工程 |
Energy Storage Science and Engineering |
✔ |
新能源材料与器件 |
New Energy Materials and Devices |
✔ |
热能工程 |
Thermal Energy Engineering |
✔ |
动力工程 |
Power Engineering |
✔ |
工程热物理 |
Engineering Thermal Physics |
✔ |
流体机械及工程 |
Fluid Mechanics and Engineering |
✔ |
制冷及低温工程 |
Refrigeration and Cryogenic Engineering |
✔ |
冶金物理化学 |
Physical Chemistry of Metallurgy |
✔ |
✔ |
钢铁冶金 |
Ferrous Metallurgy |
✔ |
✔ |
有色金属冶金 |
Nonferrous Metallurgy |
✔ |
✔ |
动力工程及工程热物理 |
Power Engineering and Engineering Thermophysics |
✔ |
新能源科学与工程 |
New Energy Science and Engineering |
✔ |
储能科学与工程 |
EnergyStorage Science andEngineering |
✔ |
冶金能源工程 |
Metallurgical Energy Engineering |
✔ |
国土资源工程学院 Faculty of Land Resources Engineering |
专业 Programs |
本科 Undergraduate |
硕士 Master's Programs |
博士 Doctoral Programs |
地球化学 |
Geochemistry |
✔ |
地质工程 |
Geological Engineering |
✔ |
✔ |
采矿工程 |
Mining Engineering |
✔ |
✔ |
✔ |
构造地质学 |
Structural Geology |
✔ |
大地测量学与测量工程 |
Geodesy and Survey Engineering |
✔ |
矿物学、岩石学、矿床学 |
Mineralogy, Petrology and Mineral Deposits |
✔ |
古生物学与地层学 |
Paleobiology and Stratigraphic |
✔ |
第四纪地质学 |
Quaternary Geology |
✔ |
摄影测量与遥感 |
Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing |
✔ |
岩土工程 |
Geotechnical Engineering |
✔ |
地图制图学与地理信息工程 |
Cartography and Geographic Information Engineering |
✔ |
✔ |
矿物加工工程 |
Mineral Processing Engineering |
✔ |
✔ |
✔ |
矿产普查与勘探 |
Mineral Resource Prospecting and Exploration |
✔ |
✔ |
地球探测与信息技术 |
Geodetection and Information Technology |
✔ |
✔ |
安全技术及工程 |
Safety Technology and Engineering |
✔ |
✔ |
测绘科学与技术 |
Surveying and Mapping |
✔ |
材料科学与工程学院 Faculty of Materials Science and Engineering |
专业 Programs |
本科 Undergraduate |
硕士 Master's Programs |
博士 Doctoral Programs |
材料成型及控制工程 |
Materials Forming and Control Engineering |
✔ |
材料科学与工程 |
Materials Science and Engineering |
✔ |
宝石及材料工艺学 |
Gemology and Materials Technology |
✔ |
功能材料 |
Functional Materials |
✔ |
珠宝首饰材料及加工 |
Gem & Jewelry Materials and Processing |
✔ |
材料表征与分析 |
Materials Characterization and Analysis |
✔ |
材料物理与化学 |
Materials Physics and Chemistry |
✔ |
✔ |
材料加工工程 |
Materials Processing Engineering |
✔ |
✔ |
材料学 |
Materials Science |
✔ |
✔ |
材料与化工 |
Materials and Chemicals |
✔ |
✔ |
机电工程学院 Faculty of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering |
专业 Programs |
本科 Undergraduate |
硕士 Master's Programs |
博士 Doctoral Programs |
机械制造及其自动化 |
Mechanical Manufacturing and Automation |
✔ |
✔ |
机械电子工程 |
Mechatronic Engineering |
✔ |
✔ |
机械设计及理论 |
Mechanical Design and Theory |
✔ |
✔ |
机械工程 |
Mechanical Engineering |
✔ |
✔ |
工业工程 |
Industrial Engineering |
✔ |
✔ |
✔ |
机器人工程 |
Robot Engineering |
✔ |
✔ |
工业工程与管理 |
Industrial Engineering and Management |
✔ |
智能制造工程 |
Intelligent Manufacturing Engineering |
✔ |
✔ |
管理与经济学院 Faculty of Management and Economics |
专业 Programs |
本科 Undergraduate |
硕士 Master's Programs |
博士 Doctoral Programs |
信息管理与信息系统 |
Information Management and Information Systems |
✔ |
工商管理(项目管理方向) |
Business Administration (Project Management) |
✔ |
会计学(学术型) |
Accounting(Academic Degree) |
✔ |
✔ |
国际经济与贸易 |
International Economics and Trade |
✔ |
金融学 |
Finance and Banking |
✔ |
质量管理工程 |
Quality management Engineering |
✔ |
✔ |
企业管理 |
Enterprise Management |
✔ |
技术经济及管理 |
Technology Economy and Management |
✔ |
物流工程与管理 |
Logistics Engineering and Management |
✔ |
会计(专业型) |
Accounting(Professional Degree) |
✔ |
金融 |
Finance |
✔ |
管理科学与工程 |
Management Science and Engineering |
✔ |
✔ |
应用经济学 |
Applied Economics |
✔ |
信息工程与自动化学院 Faculty of Information Engineering and Automation |
专业 Programs |
本科 Undergraduate |
硕士 Master's Programs |
博士 Doctoral Programs |
计算机技术 |
Computer Technology |
✔ |
计算机应用技术 |
Computer Application Technology |
✔ |
计算机软件与理论 |
Computer Software and Theory |
✔ |
人工智能 |
Artificial Intelligence |
✔ |
✔ |
自动化 |
Automation |
✔ |
生物医学工程 |
Biomedical Engineering |
✔ |
计算机科学与技术 |
Computer Science and Technology |
✔ |
✔ |
通信工程 |
Communication Engineering |
✔ |
建筑工程学院 Faculty of Civil Engineering and Mechanics |
专业 Programs |
本科 Undergraduate |
硕士 Master's Programs |
博士 Doctoral Programs |
土木工程 |
Civil Engineering |
✔ |
✔ |
✔ |
给排水科学与工程 |
Water Supply and Drainage Science and Engineering |
✔ |
建筑环境与能源应用工程 |
Building Environment and Energy Application Engineering |
✔ |
工程力学 |
Engineering Mechanics |
✔ |
城市地下空间工程 |
City Underground Space Engineering |
✔ |
工程管理 |
Engineering Management |
✔ |
理论与应用力学(工学) |
Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (Engineering) |
✔ |
人工环境工程(含供热、通风级空调等) |
Built Environment Engineering (including Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning Engineering) |
✔ |
建筑与城市规划学院 Faculty of Architecture Building and Planning |
专业 Programs |
本科 Undergraduate |
硕士 Master's Programs |
博士 Doctoral Programs |
风景园林 |
Landscape Architecture |
✔ |
✔ |
建筑学 |
Architecture |
✔ |
✔ |
✔ |
城乡规划 |
City Planning |
✔ |
✔ |
城市规划 |
Urban Planning |
✔ |
建筑历史与理论 |
Architectural History and Theory |
✔ |
建筑技术科学 |
Building Technology Science |
✔ |
电力工程学院 Faculty of Electric Power Engineering |
专业 Programs |
本科 Undergraduate |
硕士 Master's Programs |
博士 Doctoral Programs |
电气工程及其自动化 |
Electrical Engineering and Automation |
✔ |
水利水电工程 |
Water Resources and Hydro Power Engineering |
✔ |
✔ |
水文及水资源工程 |
Hydrology and Water Resources Engineering |
✔ |
电力电子与电力传动 |
Power Electronics and Power Drives |
✔ |
电力系统及其自动化 |
Electric Power System and Automation |
✔ |
水文学及水资源 |
Hydrology and Water Resources |
✔ |
电气工程 |
Electrical Engineering |
✔ |
水利工程 |
Hydraulic Engineering |
✔ |
交通工程学院 Faculty of Transportation Engineering |
专业 Programs |
本科 Undergraduate |
硕士 Master's Programs |
博士 Doctoral Programs |
交通运输 |
Communications and Transportation |
✔ |
车辆工程 |
Vehicle Engineering |
✔ |
✔ |
物流工程 |
Logistic Engineering |
✔ |
交通工程 |
Traffic Engineering |
✔ |
动力工程 |
Power Engineering |
✔ |
✔ |
交通信息工程及控制 |
Traffic Information Engineering and Control |
✔ |
交通运输规划与管理 |
Transportation Planning and Management |
✔ |
道路与铁道工程 |
Road and Railway Engineering |
✔ |
物流工程与管理 |
Logistics Engineering and Management |
✔ |
动力机械及工程 |
Power Machinery and Engineering |
✔ |
道路交通运输 |
Road Transportation |
✔ |
轨道交通运输 |
Rail Transportation |
✔ |
载运工具运用工程 |
Vehicle Operation Engineering |
✔ |
车辆工程(专业学位) |
Vehicle Engineering |
✔ |
交通运输工程 |
Transportation Engineering |
✔ |
环境科学与工程学院 Faculty of Environmental Science and Engineering |
专业 Programs |
本科 Undergraduate |
硕士 Master's Programs |
博士 Doctoral Programs |
生态学 |
Ecology |
✔ |
环境工程 |
Environmental Engineering |
✔ |
✔ |
✔ |
环境科学 |
Environmental Science |
✔ |
✔ |
再生资源科学与技术 |
Renewable Resource Science and Technology |
✔ |
✔ |
资源环境规划与管理 |
Environmental Planning and Administration |
✔ |
资源环境科学 |
Science of Resources and Environment |
✔ |
环境生态学 |
Environmental Ecology |
✔ |
✔ |
化学工程学院 Faculty of Biological and Chemical Engineering |
专业 Programs |
本科 Undergraduate |
硕士 Master's Programs |
博士 Doctoral Programs |
过程装备与控制工程 |
Process Equipment and Control |
✔ |
化学工程与工艺 |
Chemical Engineering and Technology |
✔ |
油气储运工程 |
Oil-gas Storage and Transportation Engineering |
✔ |
轻化工程 |
Light Chemical Engineering |
✔ |
化学工艺 |
Chemical Technology |
✔ |
应用化学 |
Applied Chemistry |
✔ |
工业催化 |
Industrial Catalysis |
✔ |
生物化工 |
Biochemical Engineering |
✔ |
化工过程机械 |
Chemical Process Equipment |
✔ |
化学工程 |
Chemical Engineering |
✔ |
化学工程与技术 |
Chemical Engineering and Technology |
✔ |
食品科学与工程学院 Faculty of Food Science and Engineering |
专业 Programs |
本科 Undergraduate |
硕士 Master's Programs |
博士 Doctoral Programs |
食品科学与工程 |
Food Science and Engineering |
✔ |
✔ |
食品工程 |
Food Engineering |
✔ |
生命科学与技术学院 Faculty of Life Science and Technology |
专业 Programs |
本科 Undergraduate |
硕士 Master's Programs |
博士 Doctoral Programs |
生物化学与分子生物学 |
Biochemistry and Molecular Biology |
✔ |
药学 |
Pharmacy |
✔ |
生药学 |
Pharmacognostics |
✔ |
药物分析学 |
Pharmacoanalysis |
✔ |
药剂学 |
Pharmaceutics |
✔ |
药理学 |
Pharmacology |
✔ |
药物化学 |
Pharmaceutical Chemistry |
✔ |
植物学 |
Botany |
✔ |
制药工程 |
Pharmaceutical Engineering |
✔ |
生物工程 |
Bioengineering |
✔ |
微生物学 |
Microbiology |
✔ |
生物学 |
Biology |
✔ |
理学院 Faculty of Science |
专业 Programs |
本科 Undergraduate |
硕士 Master's Programs |
博士 Doctoral Programs |
光电信息科学与工程 |
Photoelectric Information Science and Engineering |
✔ |
应用化学 |
Applied Chemistry |
✔ |
应用数学 |
Applied Mathematics |
✔ |
无机化学 |
Inorganic Chemistry |
✔ |
分析化学 |
Analytical Chemistry |
✔ |
有机化学 |
Organic Chemistry |
✔ |
物理化学 |
Physical Chemistry |
✔ |
系统科学 |
System Sciences |
✔ |
法学院 Law School |
专业 Programs |
本科 Undergraduate |
硕士 Master's Programs |
博士 Doctoral Programs |
法学 |
Law |
✔ |
理论法学 |
Theoretical Law |
✔ |
民商法学 |
Civil and Commercial Law |
✔ |
经济法学 |
Economic Law |
✔ |
环境与资源保护法学 |
Environmental and Resource Protection Law |
✔ |
国际法学 |
International Law |
✔ |
质量法学 |
Quality Law |
✔ |
法律硕士 |
Professional Master of Law |
✔ |
外国语言文化学院 Faculty of Foreign Languages and Culture |
专业 Programs |
本科 Undergraduate |
硕士 Master's Programs |
博士 Doctoral Programs |
英语 |
BA in the English Language and Literature |
✔ |
外国语言文学 |
Foreign Languages and Literatures |
✔ |
艺术与传媒学院 Faculty of Art and Communication |
专业 Programs |
本科 Undergraduate |
硕士 Master's Programs |
博士 Doctoral Programs |
工业设计 |
Industrial Design |
✔ |
环境设计 |
Environmental Design |
✔ |
视觉传达设计 |
Visual Communication Design |
✔ |
传播学 |
Communication Science |
✔ |
播音主持艺术 |
Broadcasting and Hosting |
✔ |
工业设计工程 |
Industrial Design Engineering |
✔ |
产品开发与设计理论 |
Product Design |
✔ |
环境设计及理论(景观、室内) |
Landscape and Interior design |
✔ |
视觉设计及理论 |
Visual Communication and Digital Media Design |
✔ |
艺术产品设计 |
Art Product Design |
环境艺术设计 |
Environmental Art Design |
✔ |
视觉与交互 |
Visual and Interactive |
✔ |
新闻与传播 |
Journalism and Communication |
✔ |
戏剧与影视 |
Film and Television Art |
✔ |
公共安全与应急管理学院 Faculty of Public Security and Emergency Management |
专业 Programs |
本科 Undergraduate |
硕士 Master's Programs |
博士 Doctoral Programs |
资源与环境(安全工程) |
Safety Engineering |
✔ |
安全科学与工程 |
Safety Science and Engineering |
✔ |
国际学院 School of International Education |
专业 Programs |
本科 Undergraduate |
硕士 Master's Programs |
博士 Doctoral Programs |
汉语国际教育 |
Teaching Chinese to Speakers of Other Languages |
✔ |
国际中文教育 |
International Chinese Language Education |
✔ |
医学部 Medicine School |
专业 Programs |
本科 Undergraduate |
硕士 Master's Programs |
博士 Doctoral Programs |
临床医学 |
Clinical Medicine |
✔ |
马克思主义学院 Faculty of Marxism |
专业 Programs |
本科 Undergraduate |
硕士 Master's Programs |
博士 Doctoral Programs |
马克思主义基本原理 |
Basic Marxist Principle |
✔ |
思想政治教育 |
Ideological and Political Education |
✔ |
马克思主义中国化研究 |
Study on the Sinicization of Marxism |
✔ |
中国近代史基本问题研究 |
Study on the Basic Issues of China's Modern History |
✔ |
中国哲学 |
Chinese Philosophy |
✔ |
外国哲学 |
Foreign Philosophies |
✔ |
伦理学 |
Moral Philosophy/Ethics |
✔ |
经济哲学 |
Economic Philosophy |
✔ |
美学 |
Aesthetics |
✔ |
马克思主义哲学 |
Marxist Philosophy |
✔ |
科学技术哲学 |
Philosophy of Science and Technology |
✔ |
现代农业工程学院 Faculty of Modern Agricultural Engineering |
专业 Programs |
本科 Undergraduate |
硕士 Master's Programs |
博士 Doctoral Programs |
农业水利工程 |
Agricultural Irrigation Engineering |
✔ |
农业机械化及其自动化 |
Agricultural Mechanization and Automation |
✔ |
农业机械化工程 |
Agricultural Mechanization Engineering |
✔ |
农业水土工程 |
Agricultural Water-Soil Engineering |
✔ |
农业生物环境与能源工程 |
Agricultural Biological Environmental and Energy Engineering |
✔ |
农业电气化与自动化 |
Agricultural Electrification and Automation |
✔ |
灵长类转化医学研究院 Institute of Primate Translational Medicine |
专业 Programs |
本科 Undergraduate |
硕士 Master's Programs |
博士 Doctoral Programs |
神经生物学 |
Neurobiology |
✔ |
细胞生物学 |
Cell Biology |
✔ |
遗传学 |
Genetics |
✔ |
发育生物学 |
Developmental Biology |
✔ |
城市学院 City College |
专业 Programs |
本科 Undergraduate |
硕士 Master's Programs |
博士 Doctoral Programs |
机械工程 |
Mechanical Engineering |
✔ |
焊接技术与工程 |
Welding Tecnology and Engineering |
✔ |
汽车服务工程 |
Automobile Service Engineering |
✔ |
电气工程及其自动化 |
Electrical Engineering and Automation |
✔ |
测控技术与仪器 |
Testing and Control Technology and Instruments |
✔ |
交通运输 |
Transportation |
✔ |
土木工程 |
Civil Engineering |
✔ |
工程造价 |
Project Budgeting |
✔ |
测绘工程 |
Surveying and Mapping Engineering |
✔ |
地质工程 |
Geological Engineering |
✔ |
水文与水资源工程 |
Hydrology and Water Resources Engineering |
✔ |
建筑学 |
Archecture |
✔ |
城乡规划 |
Urban and Rural Planning |
✔ |
风景园林 |
Landscape Architecture |
✔ |
泰语 |
Thai Language |
✔ |
会计学 |
Accounting |
✔ |
财务管理 |
Financial Management |
✔ |
酒店管理 |
Hotel Management |
✔ |
市场营销 |
Marketing |
✔ |
国际经济与贸易 |
International Economics and Trade |
✔ |
环境设计 |
Environmental Design |
✔ |
视觉传达设计 |
Visual Expression and Design |
✔ |
服装与服饰设计 |
Fashion Design and Accessory |
✔ |
数字媒体艺术 |
Digital Media |
✔ |
播音与主持艺术 |
Broadcasting and Hosting Art |
✔ |